VFX Comp Map

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Ah, so here I am, a nice Friday night, hanging out at home at 1am in the morning, working on this webpage. What am I doing?! Well, after a frustrating two days rebuilding my home machine (a couple of hard drives failed, thank goodness for RAID!), I'm pretty much back up and running. I have a feeling it was just my power cabling inside the case, since I replaced the drive and it still failed. Time for a new power supply system.

Anyway, as you can tell from the title of this entry, I've added a VFX Comp Map, which is listed in the sidebar. Click on the Map O' Compers, and add yourself to the list! As you can see, there are a couple of people already on, and a bunch of studios listed so far. At the moment I have it centered in the LA area, since I'm working here, but it'll follow me where ever I go! At the moment it looks like it can't resolve street or postal code addresses for people outside the states, just city and country it seems. Boo. Hopefully in the future it should do that. I mean, Google Maps already has that capability, right? Thanks to David over at Meyemind for undertaking the task of setting it up.

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